According to the recent changes in the Global Privacy Law, we are required to revise our standard. Since we want you to have a clearer picture of how we collect, use and share your personal data, we have our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions of Use ("Terms"). Here are some important points that you should look out for, when reviewing our policies:
We strongly agree that you can always ask us to stop and have a complete control over your personal data. We will be making some changes in next few months in our T&C’s and Privacy Policy and how you interact with tools on our website. This will give you the options on providing your consent for collection, usage and distribution of your personal data.
We strongly recommend that you read the full text of our policies for a better understanding. Should you have any further concerns and any ambiguities, do not hesitate to contact us via our 24/7 support services.
We highly appreciate you being a part of Team GCS.